If you, like me, know the heartbreak of biting into BBs...

Personally, I've eaten my share of BB-laden squirrels and fowl, and maybe a few fish. Maybe.
You'll be pleased to know that some industrious, entrepreneurial fellow has manufactured, or is about to manufacture shotgun shells that deliver a lethal payload of Cajun, Lemon Pepper or Honey Mustard Seasoning among others. This is just the latest of many great, relatively recent gastronomically-based inventions like the Cajun Injector, Turkey Deep Fryers and Turducken (God Bless the South, where we eat anything we find that hasn't been dead over 10 days).
He makes a pretty good point in that you do lose a bit of meat when cleaning shot from the animal and this is a much better alternative to befouling your food and its habitat with lead shot. Even so-called environmentally-friendly ammunition litters the landscape with debris to be ingested by wildlife.
I whole-heartedly support this.

Jimm with his step-dad, John, holding a Big ol' dead Beaver and grinning like an idiot.
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